At approximately 2:06 PM today, the Bethel Park Police Dispatch Center dispatched the Bethel Park Volunteer Fire Company (BPVFC station 110) to the report of smoke coming from the roof of a house on Smith Drive. 110 Assistant arrived on scene confirming a working fire inside the residence and requested a full first alarm assignment. This alarm assignment included Mt. Lebanon Fire Department (station 198) and Pleasant Hills Volunteer Fire Company station 232). 110 Rescue arrived on scene followed by 110 Truck 3 and crews went to work to locate the fire in the basement and bring it under control. During the next several hours crews checked for extension and put more water on smoldering spots. All fire apparatus cleared the scene by 5:30 to return to the stations to begin cleanup. The Allegheny County Fire Marshall is investigating the cause of the fire which is standard procedure for any structure fire in our community.
This is a reminder that our community, along with most others in this area, relies solely on volunteers for fire protection. They have to respond to the stations to get equipment to respond to an emergency. It may seem like we had plenty of companies and vehicles responding, but many only had a small number of firefighters in them. We were extremely fortunate to have a few volunteers working from home, and others working nearby that were able to leave work to respond. We thank all of our mutual aid departments for responding and providing the much needed manpower and assistance. Special thanks also goes out to Bethel Park Police and Tri Community South EMS who are always there when we need them. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter, please reach out. We could always use the help.